Kielitiedon opetusmenetelmien uudet suunnat: toiminnallinen kielioppi ja kielentäminen
kielitieto, opetusmenetelmät, toiminnallinen kieliopin opetus, kielentäminenAbstract
This article analyzes two new grammar teaching methods (action-based grammar teaching and languaging) in Finland. A theory-based content analysis is used for seven articles written in 2009–2012. Using a taxonomy table, the two methods are analyzed by comparing their teaching objectives and learning activities with the learning theories that these methods are based on. Additionally, the teaching methods are investigated for curricular alignment and meaningful learning. Languaging as a grammar teaching method appears to be internally coherent and aligned, unlike functional grammar teaching, in which a foundation built on a constructivist learning theory and drama pedagogics is misaligned with activities that concentrate on memorizing metalinguistic concepts with no requirements for other dimensions of knowledge. Moreover, I will reflect on the lack of an up-to-date definition for a teaching method, and attempt to create one. I see teaching method as a teacher’s tool. My definition can be seen as a pyramid with learning theories and conceptions of learning forming the bottom, planning of teaching being the next level, learning activities for students forming the third level, and assessment being on top of the pyramid.