Murtumakohdat S2-oppijoiden improvisaatioharjoituksissa


  • Anja Keränen Tampereen yliopisto, teatterin ja draaman tutkimuksen jatko-opiskelija, ulkomaanlehtori


multimodaalisuus, suomi toisena kielenä, soveltava taide, murtumakohta


This conversation analytic article focuses on changes in footing in improvisational conversations. The analytic focus is on the verbal and embodied means that signal a change of footing. The data consists of approximately nine hours of interaction videorecorded in the ‘language through drama’ classroom with Finnish language students in Romania during a period of three months. The analysis concentrates on three samples showing the changes in students’ gesture, gaze, body posture and other means of communication in addition to speech when returning to the improvisational role and to the frames of improvisation from their roles as students. The data show how the postures of students change during the change in footing and how the dynamism of embodied interaction changes simultaneously.