Uusia lukutaitoja rakentamassa

lukutaidon moninaiset merkitykset ja tutkimusmenetelmät


  • Lotta Lehti
  • Pauliina Peltonen
  • Sara Routarinne
  • Veijo Vaakanainen
  • Ville Virsu


Lukutaito, digitaalinen murros, globalisaatio, multimodaalisuus, tutkimusmenetelmä


In 2017, the annual autumn symposium of the Finnish Association for Applied Linguistics (AFinLA) was organised in Turku. During the symposium, the theme of "Building new literacies" was approached from various perspectives. In this introduction to the 2018 AFinLA Yearbook, we outline three approaches to new literacies and introduce the contributions included in this volume. First, we discuss how approaches to literacy have changed over time and highlight the multifaceted nature of literacy. Second, we briefly outline some of the recent societal changes, especially digitalisation and globalisation,  that influence literacy requirements/demands. For instance, examining attitudes towards digital literacy and the use of new technologies in teaching is important both from language learners and language teachers' perspectives. Third, we present new approaches to literacy that highlight the interactional and multimodal aspects of literacy. We conclude with reflections on the theme from the perspective of transdisciplinary action research based on Daniel Perrin's essay included in the yearbook.