Käyttäjäkeskeisyys osallisuuden mahdollistajana Valvotun tapaamisen säännöt -sarjakuva-asiakirjassa

Enabling social inclusion with user-centredness in a social welfare comic document


  • Mira Kainulainen Tampereen yliopisto


käyttäjäkeskeisyys, osallisuus, saavutettava viestintä, sarjakuva-asiakirjat


In this study, I conducted a functional text analysis on the Valvotun tapaamisen säännöt comic document which presents the rules of supervised visitation. After exploring theory of comic documents, user-centred communication and social inclusion, I analyse the user’s role extratextually and as a character in the text. I examine the user-centredness of the document and how it can enable social inclusion. The results indicate that both the comic document and its communicative context are in many ways user-centred. User-centredness is constructed through multimodal, cognitively accessible communication and intratextual representation of the user as an active participant in the visitation process. The comic format supports social inclusion through cognitive accessibility and by making the user an active participant in the communicative situation. The visual language of comics can motivate closer reading of the document, enabling the user to better understand the rules and follow them, if they so choose.