Vaativaa vai vahingollista valmentamista – missä menee raja? Suomalaisten päivälehtien uutisointi valmentajien epäasiallisesta käytöksestä ja negatiivisesta palautediskurssista urheiluvalmennuksessa

Demanding or damaging coaching - where do you draw the line? Finnish daily newspapers' coverage of coaches' inappropriate behaviour and negative feedback discourse in sports coaching


  • Johanna Koivisto Tampereen yliopisto
  • Zea Kingelin-Orrenmaa Tampereen yliopisto


urheilu-uutiset, valmentajan epäasiallinen käytös ja palaute, negatiiviset palautediskurssit, kriittinen diskurssianalyysi, biovalta


In this article, we focus on Finnish daily newspapers’ coverage of inappropriate behaviour and negative feedback from sports coaches towards their trainees. The aim of the study is to explore the reported content and meanings of the feedback given by coaches and highlight the negative feedback discourses produced by the news in which the coach’s biopower is directed at the athlete. The research data consists of 23 sports news articles published in 16 different daily newspapers. The data was collected from the digital newspaper service, using the search command “valmentajan epäasiallinen*” (eng. “coach’s inappropriate*”). Our research method is based on critical discourse analysis and its key concepts such as biopower, discourse practice, sociocultural practice, ideology, hegemony and discursive field, but otherwise, we combine different discourse theories relatively freely in our analysis.