Lauseenjäsenet suomen kielen ja kirjallisuuden perusopetuksen oppikirjoissa


  • Jenni Marjokorpi Helsingin yliopisto


suomen kieli ja kirjallisuus, ainedidaktiikka, kielioppi, kielitieto, lauseenjäsenet, äidinkieli ja kirjallisuus


Clause constituents in comprehensive school Finnish language and literature textbooks


The study applies data-based content analysis to examine how clause constituents are presented in nine Finnish language and literature textbook series for schoolyears 5, 6, and 8.  The analysis of the grammar exercises builds on a theoretical framework by Rättyä and Kulju (2018) in which exercise types are classified according to their level of cognitive processes.


The results indicate that year 5 and 6 textbooks mainly present the most prototypical features of the clause constituents, focusing on familiarizing the students with the subject, the predicate, and the object (in one book also the predicative), and identifying them in simple clause types. Year 8 textbooks reintroduce the previous concepts, and also teach the adverbial and the concept of phrase. While grammatical description becomes more comprehensive, the exercises still focus on identification and production. Some application and analysis exercises are included. The textbooks teach grammar mainly descriptively, and the functional and contextual orientations of the National Core Curriculum (2014) are present to some extent.


The study discusses introducing all clause constituents already in years 5 and 6. During years 7 through 9, grammar teaching could focus on cognitively more complex exercises in a functional way that could also benefit the students’ text interpretation and production skills.




Referera så här

Marjokorpi, J. (2023). Lauseenjäsenet suomen kielen ja kirjallisuuden perusopetuksen oppikirjoissa. Ainedidaktiikka, 6(3), 3–30.