Kohti notkeaa ja yhdenvertaista varhaiskasvatuksen katsomuskasvatusta


  • Susanna Itäkare Tampereen yliopisto


varhaiskasvatus, katsomuskasvatus, opetussuunnitelma, kriittinen diskurssianalyysi


Solid religions, diversity and Finnish Lutheranism in the Closet. Critical discourse analysis on discourses about worldview education in the National Core Curriculum for Early Childhood Education and Care (2018) and the “Guide to the Implementation of Worldview Education and Religious Ceremonies in Early Childhood Education and Care” (2018) by the Finnish National Agency for Education

In this article, the method of critical discourse analysis is used to examine discourses about worldviews in the National Core Curriculum for Early Childhood Education and Care (2018) and the “Guide to the Implementation of Worldview Education and Religious Ceremonies in Early Childhood Education and Care” (2018) by the Finnish National Agency for Education. The research problems are: what kind of discourses about the texts can be produced, how they are produced and what kind of practice in ECEC they direct to. The theoretical context in the study is not only educational sciences and the didactics of religious and worldview education, but also the study of religions and in particular the theory of liquid religion developed by Taira.

The main result of the study is that the guiding documents in ECEC still produce worldview education that favors one religious tradition, namely Christianity in general and Lutheranism in particular. The article presents several development targets so that both guiding documents in ECEC and its practical implementation can become more inclusive, more equal and more open to diversity.

Key words: early childhood education and care, worldview education, curriculum, critical discourse analysis




Referera så här

Itäkare, S. (2023). Kohti notkeaa ja yhdenvertaista varhaiskasvatuksen katsomuskasvatusta. Ainedidaktiikka, 7(1), 3–27. https://doi.org/10.23988/ad.112121