Tiedon luomiseen perustuvalla oppimisella rakennusalan tulevaisuuden osaajia?


  • Alpo Salmisto


rakennusalan yliopistokoulutus, osaamistarpeet, koulutuksen kehittäminen, tiedon luominen, tutkiva oppiminen, construction higher education, competencies, education development, knowledge creation, inquiry learning


The article examines the development needs of the construction higher education and the future skill needs of the construction sector. The approach of the article is based on the progressive inquiry learning and the development of teaching methods. The article is a literature review. The material consists of peer-reviewed articles from the construction higher education and the skill needs of the industry. In addition the material consists of the reports about the future skills of the engineers and development of engineering higher education in general. The future competencies of the engineers are analysed based on the progressive inquiry learning and general learning approaches. The teaching method approach was selected, because the most essential development needs of the engineering higher education are in teaching methods and student-centred point of view, not in the contents of education. Key competencies in the field of construction, which current higher education doesn’t support enough, are related to the interdisciplinary, collaboration and group work skills and metacognitive knowledge and learning skills. Progressive inquiry learning improves these competencies and develops also learning of the contents. The results of the literature review can be used in developing the construction higher education and in directing teaching related research in the field of technology.




How to Cite

Salmisto, A. (2022). Tiedon luomiseen perustuvalla oppimisella rakennusalan tulevaisuuden osaajia?. Journal of Professional and Vocational Education, 15(1), 47–68. Retrieved from https://journal.fi/akakk/article/view/113867