Jalkinesuunnittelija eilen – tänään – huomenna


  • Merianne Nebo
  • Mervi Friman


jalkinemuotoilu, korkeakoulutus, jalkinesuunnittelija, kompetenssi, footwear industry, higher education, footwear designer, competence


This article is about the Scandinavia’s only higher education offered in footwear design and the required professional competences. The beginning of the article describes the early stages of footwear design at the postsecondary level and the transition to the higher education level (= university of applied sciences) by reflecting the needs of the footwear industry. The end part of the article reports the preliminary results of the interviews concerning the daily work of a footwear designer in the framework of professional competences. The decrease in the footwear industry has led to the fact that the most important competences of today are connected to production, entrepreneurship and branding.




How to Cite

Nebo, M., & Friman, M. (2022). Jalkinesuunnittelija eilen – tänään – huomenna. Journal of Professional and Vocational Education, 15(4), 11–23. Retrieved from https://journal.fi/akakk/article/view/113958