Ammattikorkeakoulun ja ammatillisen toisen asteen yhteistyö alueellisessa innovaatiotoiminnassa: tuloksia Koulii-hankkeesta


  • Soile Juujärvi
  • Kaija Pesso


innovation systems, service design, teamwork, university of applied sciences vocational training


This article examines cooperation between a university of applied sciences and a vocational college in regional innovation activity. According to the National innovation strategy (2008), innovation activity ought to cover all the fields and levels of the working life, which sets challenges to teachers’ innovation competence and regional development work. According to the results of the project Koulii (2010–2012), the cooperative team is a natural working model for the cooperation between university of applied sciences and vocational training. Service Design offers a uniform frame of reference for innovation activity and methods for developing teachers’ and students’ working life competences. Successful development requires the clarification of the teachers’, their superiors’ and students’ roles in the project work and transformation from the traditional teacher’s role towards the role of the project educator. Practical problems in the co-operation were caused by different project processes implemented in the university of applied sciences and the vocational college. The integration of vocational training to the national innovation system requires from vocational schools strategic working and regional cooperation with universities of applied sciences.




How to Cite

Juujärvi, S., & Pesso, K. (2022). Ammattikorkeakoulun ja ammatillisen toisen asteen yhteistyö alueellisessa innovaatiotoiminnassa: tuloksia Koulii-hankkeesta. Journal of Professional and Vocational Education, 15(4), 24–38. Retrieved from