Kriittinen yrittäjyyskasvatustutkimus nyt ja tulevaisuudessa
entrepreneurship education, critical entrepreneurship education research, literature reviewAbstract
In this review article, we examine the current state of international and national critical entrepreneurship education research and create future research suggestions for critical entrepreneurship education research based on this. Our aim is to find out to what extent and what kind of critical entrepreneurship education research has been published in national and international research journals during the years 2010–2023. As a research method, we have used an integrative literature review and analyzed the research publications using content analysis. The results show that the critical entrepreneurship education research published in the period under review can be situated at the levels of politics and discourses as well as pedagogic practices. In the research concerning politics and discourses, the subject of critical analysis are the different discourses of entrepreneurship education in public education policy documents. National research articles focus on the politics and discourses, while international research articles focus on the pedagogic practices.