New master's degree teacher: messenger or evangelist of innovations


  • Annukka Tapani Ammatillinen opettajankoulutus, ammattipedagoginen TKI, Tampereen ammattikorkeakoulu
  • Merja Sinkkonen Terveys- ja sosiaalipalvelut, Tampereen ammattikorkeakoulu


master’s degree, teacher, encounter, authentic learning


The aim of this article is to make a suggestion how to be a master’s degree teacher in Finland in future days. In the master’s degree students learning process the experiences of the working life play a big role and it should be an important source and platform for learning. We try to reveal what are the promotors and obstacles in taking the working life and its experience as a real part of learning. We claim that in order to promote the master’s degrees position and their profile in Finnish educational system more encounters between the multisectoral workplaces is needed and the teachers’ role is to contribute to perceive the everyday experience through theoretical view. Principles of authentic learning offer a possible frame for this kind of teaching and learning. Our data consists of documents written by masters’ degree teachers, students, alumni and technical branch companies. According to this data, the new kind of master’s degree teacher seems to be a facilitator, designer for encounters and networker. The teacher will be a messenger of the education but also inspirer and supporter for students, colleagues and stakeholders.




How to Cite

Tapani, A., & Sinkkonen, M. (2017). New master’s degree teacher: messenger or evangelist of innovations. Journal of Professional and Vocational Education, 19(4), 32–47. Retrieved from