Maahanmuuttotaustaiset nuoret koulutuksen siirtymissä: Viranomaisten ja nuorten näkökulmat
immigration, school transitions, youngAbstract
Refereed article
This article explores school transitions of young people with diverse linguistic and cultural backgrounds. The aim of the study was to examine what kinds of transitional factors do hinder or promote transitions of the young, especially, from comprehensive school to secondary schools. Study material consists of interviews with the young, and a qualitative questionnaire and interviews with the authorities who work with them. The results show that there are three kinds of transitional factors: those attached with the young themselves, those attached with their communities, and those with services offered by the society. The authorities repeatedly stated language factor, motivation, competences and structural factors, whereas the young mentioned friends and family. The results highlighted that teachers and counselors need to be aware of these transitional factors in order to support transitions of the young, and thus prevent their exclusion and marginalization.