Shared challenges and solutions in digital pedagogy - a case of joint workshop of teachers from basic to higher education


  • Marjaana Veermans Turun yliopisto
  • Essi Ryymin HAMK Ammatillinen opettajakorkeakoulu
  • Anne-Maria Korhonen HAMK Ammatillinen opettajakorkeakoulu
  • Jiri Lallimo Turun yliopisto
  • Jenni Airola Turun yliopisto
  • Jukka Niinimäki HAMK


teachers’ professional development, specialization education, digipedagogical knowledge, collaboration of educational levels


This article introduces a workshop that was shared between two teachers’ digital pedagogy specialization programs, organized by a university and a university of applied sciences. The aim was that the teachers from different educational levels would jointly reflect strengths and challenges that they have met in their work during the digitalization of educational field. The aim was also to develop together solutions for the challenges that were identified during the workshop. The participants of the workshop were 30 teachers representing different educational levels, from basic education to higher vocational education. During the workshop the teachers filled out a questionnaire related to digipedagogical development on a personal and organizational level. In addition, the learning café -type of activities of the workshop were audiotaped. The most common challenges the teachers identified were especially related to development of teachers’ skills and to systematic leading of digipedagogical change.




How to Cite

Veermans, M., Ryymin, E., Korhonen, A.-M., Lallimo, J., Airola, J., & Niinimäki J. (2018). Shared challenges and solutions in digital pedagogy - a case of joint workshop of teachers from basic to higher education. Journal of Professional and Vocational Education, 20(4), 51–69. Retrieved from