Rehtoreiden ja opettajien käsityksiä perusopetuksen opetussuunnitelman toteutumista edistävistä tekijöistä laajan pedagogisen johtamisen viitekehyksessä


  • Tapio Lahtero Helsingin yliopisto
  • Raisa Ahtiainen Helsingin yliopisto
  • Elina Fonsen Helsingin yliopisto
  • Arto Kallioniemi Helsingin yliopisto


pedagogical leadership, principals, teachers, curriculum implementation, school management


Examination of the of implementation
of the basic education national core
curriculum within the framework of
broad-based pedagogical leadership
We employed the framework of broad-based
pedagogical leadership to investigate teachers’
and principals’ understandings of the elements
of leadership that will promote the implementa-
tion of the national core curriculum in schools.
The data came from answers to open-ended
questions in electronic surveys in 2018: teach-
ers (N = 40) and principals (N = 43). We used
directed content analysis to examine the writ-
ten responses. Results indicate that principals’
viewpoints were unified. According to the prin-
cipals, strategic leadership, interaction, and
competence management would contribute to
the implementation of the curriculum. Teachers’
views were more fragmented and less struc-
tured. Teachers emphasized interaction, being
goal-oriented, and a general understanding of
everyday schooling.


