Ammattimainen luottamushenkilö yhdistävänä poliittisena johtajana


  • Jonne Parkkinen Johtamisen ja talouden tiedekunta / Tampereen yliopisto
  • Henna Paananen Johtamisen ja talouden tiedekunta / Tampereen yliopisto
  • Anni Kyösti Itsenäisyyden juhlavuoden lastensäätiö (Itla)


professional local elected officials, local government, local political leadership, integrative leadership, competence


The professional local elected official as integrative political leader

As increasing numbers of Finnish municipalities have introduced positions for full-time and part- time elected officials, the work of local political leaders has become professionalized. This article advances the understanding of the competence needs of professional local elected officials. The empirical data consist of interviews with local elected officials. The data were analyzed using qualitative content analysis. The results indicate that the professional local elected officials tend to work as integrative political leaders. These integrative political leaders work adaptively as they aim to advance collaboration between different actors. They need, for example, communication and interaction skills, self- leadership skills, political skills, knowledge management skills, and systemic understanding to be successful in their work.


