Työn merkityksellisyyden johtaminen: Työn merkitysten ja täyttymysten kyselyn mahdollisuudet ja haasteet


  • Sanna Konsti Jyväskylän yliopisto, psykologian laitos
  • Anssi Tossavainen
  • Johanna Rantanen
  • Saija Mauno
  • Sanna Kinnunen


leadership, meaningful work, vocational fulfillment, occupational wellbeing, phenomenography


Leadership and meaningful work: The possibilities and challenges of the Vocational Meaning and Fulfillment Survey

In this study we examined how leaders perceive meaningful work and if the new Vocational Meaning and Fulfillment Survey (VMFS) could be used as a leadership tool in organizations. The data were collected through 22 semistructured thematic interviews and analyzed with a phenomenographic approach. Three categories of perspectives on meaningful work were found: individual, organizational and holistic. The VMFS was perceived as a useful and practical tool by most of the leaders. It could be used at individual, team, and organizational levels to measure the experience of meaningful
work and to decide where to focus efforts to foster such work. When introducing VMFS into organizations, attention should be paid to proper user training and ensuring the engagement of the management and supervisors.


