Kansalaistaitoja vai kilpailukykyä?

Informaatiolukutaidon toimintapoliittiset kehykset



information literacy, public policy, frame analysis, policy documents, Finland


Civic competence or national competitiveness? The framing of information literacy in the Finnish policy documents

The study examines information literacy (IL) from a policy perspective with the objective of analyzing how IL is framed in Finnish policy documents. Three policy frames were identified using an analytical framework drawn upon research literature. IL was associated with continuous learning, national competitiveness and civic competence. Ensuring skilled workforce together with active and digital citizenship was emphasized in the policy objectives framing IL. The findings reveal IL as a fragmented concept in policy documents. Instead of incremental development, the promotion of IL is scattered across different policy areas and ministries. Therefore, the national policy lacks a shared and public problem definition about what makes IL a societal issue. As a conclusion, rather than focusing on separate skills and competencies,
IL should be acknowledged as an ambiguous political concept including multiple definitions, interests and ways...


