Autonomiaa vai kontrollia?

Tapaustutkimus lisääntyvään itseohjautuvuuteen pyrkivästä organisaatiosta


  • Juha Kinnunen Itä-Suomen yliopisto, Kauppatieteiden laitos
  • Anu Puusa Itä-Suomen yliopisto, Kauppatieteiden laitos
  • Matti Kuittinen Itä-Suomen yliopisto, Kasvatustieteen ja psykologian osasto


autonomy, self-management, self-determination theory, control


Autonomy or control?  A case study in an organization striving to increase self-management

In many organizations increasing self-management is a new way of working. The case organization of this study is a Finnish financial services organization with about 100 employees. We use qualitative interview data to explore the commonalities and contradictions in the interpretations of employees and management in an organization that is in a process of adopting a more self-managed way of working. We also examine the implementation of the basic assumptions of Self-Determination Theory in today's organizational environment. We approach the issue from both theoretical and empirical perspectives. Our analysis shows that self-management in the target organization is initiated and controlled by management, which sets strict limits but allows only a certain amount of freedom. Our case study provides both theoretical and practical insights into the discussion of the process of increasing self-management.


