Informaatioresilienssin rakentumiseen vaikuttavien tekijöiden ilmeneminen varautumista koskevassa asiantuntijapuheessa


  • Aino Rantamäki Vaasan yliopisto


information resilience, preparedness, Delfoi


The manifestation of factors affecting the construction of information resilience in an expert speech on preparedness

Crisis situations create uncertainties that challenge societal function and security. Previous studies have found that in the future recurring crises will be more regular events than exceptions. Information resilience has been proposed as one of the ways to overcome various information-related threats and uncertainties caused by crisis situations. This study examines information resilience in the context of pre-crisis preparedness. The research aims to identify factors affecting the construction of information resilience in experts’ speech on preparedness. The results suggest that the key to building information resilience is a shared desire for effective future preparedness. The main challenge is a culture that does not accept imperfect information.


