Oikeustieteen professuurien nimikkeet oikeustieteen itseymmärryksen kuvastajina


  • Miikka Vuorela Itä-Suomen yliopisto
  • Tapio Määttä Itä-Suomen yliopisto


oikeustiede, oikeudenalajaotus, professuurinimikkeet


Titles of Law Professorships as reflections of the self-understanding of jurisprudence

This article examines the titles of law professorships in the faculties and schools of law in the Universities of Eastern Finland, Helsinki, Lapland, and Turku. The research objective is to describe the quantitative and qualitative development
of law professorships, with an emphasis on the past few decades. The empirical data consists mainly of the titles of law professorships between 1860 and 2022. Additional statistical data has been gathered from Vipunen, the education administration’s reporting portal. The primary method of the study is the categorisation of the professorship titles using the framework of a classical division of the legal field as presented by Lars Björne, and empirical analysis of the  development in both the nomenclature and the composition of professorships. The first main result of the study is that the nomenclature and composition of law professorships was largely unchanged and steadily rooted in the concepts of the classical division of the legal field from the 1910s until the 21st century. The second main result is that during the past two decades the nomenclature has undergone a major change as the naming of professorships has become increasingly heterogeneous. More and more professorship titles are no longer based on the familiar concepts of the classical division of the legal field, but are instead unique and reflect the professor’s research profile.




How to Cite

Vuorela, M., & Määttä, T. (2022). Oikeustieteen professuurien nimikkeet oikeustieteen itseymmärryksen kuvastajina. Lakimies, 120(7-8), 1305–1331. Retrieved from https://journal.fi/lakimies/article/view/121466