Nykyinen minä, tuleva minä ja laki edunvalvontavaltuutuksesta


  • Katja Karjalainen Itä-Suomen yliopisto


edunvalvonta, edunvalvontavaltuutus, vammaisuus, crpd, yhdenvertaisuus, siviilioikeus


Current me, future me and the Act on Continuing Power of Attorney

The article assesses how the law on continuing powers of attorney has succeeded in supporting the right to self-determination of people with disabilities and promoting equal decision-making. Does the law meet the requirements of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities? The article understands the continuing power of attorney (CPA) as a legal institution built on the right to self-determination, trust and the need for protection, and outlines the process leading to representation under the CPA. The right to self-determination is scrutinised by distinguishing the self-determination of the present me and the self-determination of the future me. The article shows that the right to selfdetermination of the present me is well established in the law, but it is questionable whether the law supports the right to self-determination of the future me. The article highlights that it is a difficult task to create an equal and accessible decision-making system, but at the same time respect basic premises of private law.




How to Cite

Karjalainen, K. (2023). Nykyinen minä, tuleva minä ja laki edunvalvontavaltuutuksesta. Lakimies, 121(3-4), 416–439. Retrieved from https://journal.fi/lakimies/article/view/124782