Samanarvoisuusvaatimus epävarsinaisen laiminlyöntirikoksen rangaistavuuden edellytyksenä


  • Lauri Luoto Turun yliopisto


epävarsinainen laiminlyöntirikos, laiminlyönti, murha, rikosoikeus, samanarvoisuusvaatimus, tappo


Requirement of equivalence as a prerequisite of omission liability in result-based crimes

Omission-based crimes are divided into real crimes of omission (echte Unterlassungsdelikte) and spurious crimes of omission (unechte Unterlassungsdelikte). The latter are crimes where omission constitutes an offense only if the perpetrator had a duty to act and the failure to act caused a result required by the offense. In the article, I analyse if a requirement of equivalence should be adopted as a separate requirement of omission liability in spurious crimes of omission. I conclude that a requirement of equivalence is of importance if the definition of the offense also requires a specified act. In this case, the requirement of equivalence calls for an analysis of whether or not the specified act can be committed by omission.




How to Cite

Luoto, L. (2023). Samanarvoisuusvaatimus epävarsinaisen laiminlyöntirikoksen rangaistavuuden edellytyksenä. Lakimies, 121(5), 680–702. Retrieved from