Datafikoituva peruskoulu – tasapainoilua lapsen henkilötietojen suojan ja opetuksen tavoitteiden välillä


  • Elisa Silvennoinen Itä-Suomen yliopisto
  • Matti Tedre Itä-Suomen yliopisto
  • Teemu Valtonen Itä-Suomen yliopisto


henkilötietojen suoja, lapsen oikeudet, perusopetus, tietosuoja-asetus, tieto- ja viestintäteknologia


Datafication in basic education: protecting children’s personal data while advancing educational ebjectives

This study examines what kind of protection the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) requires for children’s personal data in primary education and how this protection restricts the use of information and communication technology (ICT) in primary education. The datafication of society has reached schools, which are increasingly moving educational functions to data-driven platforms, where data collected from children are used for purposes that vary from personalised education to massive scale modelling of learning processes as well as optimising and honing of educational platforms. From the viewpoint of children’s rights, the datafication of schools creates tensions between children’s right to data protection and equitable participation. On the one hand, children have the right to education on essential and necessary skills in a datafied society and for gaining the skills and knowledge to equally enjoy and benefit from digital environments and services. On the other hand, the extensive collection of personal data threatens children’s right to privacy and protection of personal data, exposing children to influencing and marketing purposes and more. The GDPR requires predefined and precise grounds for processing personal data. However, the needs of basic education and educational platforms may require broader data collection. The study shows the ways in which the specific protection of children’s personal data under the GDPR in the context of basic education is vague and the legislation on the use of ICT in education is unclear.




How to Cite

Silvennoinen, E., Tedre, M., & Valtonen, T. (2024). Datafikoituva peruskoulu – tasapainoilua lapsen henkilötietojen suojan ja opetuksen tavoitteiden välillä. Lakimies, 122(5), 655–678. Retrieved from