Alipalkkaukseen perustuva työperäinen hyväksikäyttö ja rikosoikeus – kiskonnantapaista työsyrjintää, kiskontaa työelämässä vai vain kiskontaa?
työperäinen hyväksikäyttö, alipelkkaus, kiskonta, kiskonnantapainen työsyrjintä, rikosoikeusAbstract
Exploitation of employees through severe underpayment – which criminal offence is it?
The article examines criminal law issues related to exploitation of employees through severe underpayment. In particular, the article examines how severe underpayment can be addressed under the current provisions of the Finnish Criminal Code and whether the Criminal Code should be developed to enable a more effective intervention in underpayment. Of special interest are the new offences that have been proposed in Prime Minister Petteri Orpo’s Government Programme. The article concludes that no new provisions are needed to combat
the exploitation of employees through severe underpayment, but advocates adopting a new point of view towards the phenomenon in criminal law.