Poissulkemislausekkeen sääntelystä ja oikeuskäytännöstä ulkomaalaisoikeudessa


  • Tuomas Kuokkanen Helsingin ja Turun yliopistot; korkein hallinto-oikeus


ulkomaalaisoikeus, poissulkemislauseke, kansainvälinen suojelu, turvapaikka, toissijainen suojelu


The regulation and application of the exclusion clause in refugee law

The article analyses the so-called exclusion clause by which certain individuals can be excluded from international protection. The exclusion clause is based on Article 1 F of the 1951 Refugee Convention. The clause is implemented in Article 12 and Article 17 of the EU Qualification Directive (2011/95/EU) and in section 87(2) and 88(2) of the Finnish Aliens Act.

At the outset, the article examines the rationale behind the exclusion clause. The article then deals with the regulatory framework and the guidance issued by the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR) and the European Union Agency for Asylum (EUAA). After that, the case law of the Supreme Administrative Court of Finland during the period 2008–2023 is examined. In particular, the article focuses on the key elements and procedural aspects of the exclusion clause. As a conclusion, the article states that the application of the exclusion clause has been dynamic and multi-level. In the case law, the systematic aspects relating to the clause have been highlighted in the interpretation of the clause.





Kuokkanen, T. (2024). Poissulkemislausekkeen sääntelystä ja oikeuskäytännöstä ulkomaalaisoikeudessa. Lakimies, 122(7-8), 1038–1059. Noudettu osoitteesta https://journal.fi/lakimies/article/view/147549