COVID-19-pandemia ja rajoitustoimenpiteet vankiloissa


  • Hanna Hämäläinen Turun yliopisto
  • Kaisa Kuortti Turun yliopisto
  • Janne Salminen Turun yliopisto


perusoikeudet, vankila, vanki, COVID-19-pandemia, suljettu laitos


The COVID-19 pandemic and restrictions in prisons

In the article, we discuss, from the legal perspective, the measures adopted in Finnish prisons to prevent the spread of COVID-19 infections. We analyse adopted measures in relation to normative basis on the enforcement of imprisonment and the legal status of prisoners. From a more comprehensive viewpoint, the article focuses on the circumstances and regulation of a closed institution in emergency situations. We argue that, during the pandemic, the distinctive features
of a closed institution were emphasised, and the isolation in prisons increased. In conclusion, we argue that the restrictions adopted in prisons were not in all respects objectively necessary and proportionate, if compared to the measures adopted in society and other institutions to prevent the spread of the pandemic. We also discuss the inclusion of prisoners: Did the deepening of isolation during the spread of pandemic emphasise the importance of prisoners’ inclusion?




Referera så här

Hämäläinen, H., Kuortti, K., & Salminen, J. (2023). COVID-19-pandemia ja rajoitustoimenpiteet vankiloissa. Lakimies, 121(2), 224–249. Hämtad från