Sosiaalihuollon asiakkaan suostumuksen väärinkäytöstä


  • Marlon Moilanen Helsingin yliopisto


suostumus, itsemääräämisoikeus, väärinkäyttö, sosiaalihuolto, teoreettinen lainoppi


Abuse of Consent in Residential Elder Care

The article develops a legal doctrine on the consent of the social care client: the abuse of consent in the context of residential elder care. The systematisation is based on the general doctrine of consent in public law. Instead of centralising the focus on informing and competence, the article examines the meaning of consent as a part of the overall legal evaluation of the care action from the
perspective of administrative and social law. The abuse of consent means that consent functions to legitimise problematic care actions in legal argumentation. The article proposes a model for the abuse of consent doctrine, where the legal requirements of consent follow the nature of power, fundamental rights impact and the client’s dependency on care. The more severe use of power and dependency
of the client, the less legally acceptable the use of consent should be as a justification for the care action.




Referera så här

Moilanen, M. (2023). Sosiaalihuollon asiakkaan suostumuksen väärinkäytöstä. Lakimies, 121(6), 918–946. Hämtad från