Yrittäjien näkemykset hiihdon maailmanmestaruuskilpailujen vaikutuksista Lahden keskustan elinvoimaisuuteen


  • Satu Parjanen Lappeenrannan teknillinen yliopisto


sport event, Nordic World Ski Championships, impacts, entrepreneurs, city centres


The impacts of sport events have been divided into economic, ecological and social impacts. This study examines the impacts of Nordic World Ski Championships in Lahti 2017 from the perspective of the entrepreneurs in the city centre. The data were collected with the help of semi-structured interviews. Altogether 24 interviews were conducted after the Nordic World Ski Championships in the spring of 2017. The economic impacts were mostly focused on the restaurants, but also entrepreneurs from other branches recognized increases in their businesses or number of clients. There were also many entrepreneurs that did not expect any economic benefits. Nevertheless, they wanted to participate in creating an event atmosphere. The social impacts like strengthening the sense of community, increased co-operation and community pride were highlighted in the study. In organizing a sport event, the entrepreneurs are an essential stakeholder group. However, it can not be taken for granted that the entrepreneurs will participate in creating a common atmosphere during the sport event. This study highlights the role of brokering organizations in providing information, motivating, innovating and creating collaboration possibilities.




How to Cite

Parjanen, S. (2018). Yrittäjien näkemykset hiihdon maailmanmestaruuskilpailujen vaikutuksista Lahden keskustan elinvoimaisuuteen. Finnish Journal of Tourism Research, 14(1), 7–25. Retrieved from https://journal.fi/matkailututkimus/article/view/73009