Editorial Team


Marja Kivilehto, editor-in-chief, Tampere University, marja.kivilehto at tuni.fi

Olli Philippe Lautenbacher, University of Helsinki, olli-philippe.lautenbacher at helsinki.fi

Minna Ruokonen, University of Eastern Finland, minna.ruokonen at uef.fi

Lena Segler-Heikkilä, Diaconia University of Applied Sciences, lena.segler-heikkila at diak.fi

Laura Ivaska, University of Turku, laura.ivaska at utu.fi (book reviews)

The editors' responsibilities

The editors read all the manuscripts submitted to Mikael for publication and decide which manuscripts are of sufficient quality to be sent out for peer review. The editors also

  1. ensure that each manuscript is assessed by two peer reviewers;
  2. forward the reviewers’ comments to the authors;
  3. re-read the manuscripts revised on the basis of the reviewers’ feedback and request the authors to make further revisions when necessary;
  4. finalise the layout of the articles and send a publication agreement to each author for his/her signature;
  5. write an introductory Note from the Editors for each volume.

As far as non-peer reviewed manuscripts are concerned, the editors decide whether the manuscript can be published and provide feedback and suggestions about revision to the authors. After this, the editing proceeds as described above in connection with peer-reviewed articles (bullet points 3 to 5).

No translation or language revision service is provided by the journal, and authors are solely responsible for the language of their articles.

Editorial advisory board

The journal editors may consult the editorial advisory board in matters concerning the scientific quality of the manuscripts and the overall principles and guidelines of the journal. Members of the editorial advisory board may also be approached for suggestions about peer reviewers, and they can be requested to act as peer reviewers for manuscripts submitted for publication in Mikael.

Inquiries about the publication should be primarily addressed to the editors, not the editorial advisory board.


Members of the editorial advisory board (1 August 2021 - 31 July 2024)

Sirkku Aaltonen, University of Vaasa

Pekka Kujamäki, University of Graz (Karl-Franzens-Universität)

Hans Landqvist, University of Gothenburg (Göteborgs universitet)

Mikhail Mikhailov, Tampere University

Esa Penttilä, University of Eastern Finland

Kristiina Taivalkoski-Shilov, University of Turku

Liisa Tiittula, University of Helsinki

Selection of editors and members of the editorial advisory board

The principles of selecting the Mikael editors and editorial advisory board have been described here.

A list of the previous members of the editorial advisory boards is available here.