Katsaus Maamme kirjan eri versioiden raamattusitaatteihin
kääntäminen, tekstikritiikki, eri painokset, tekstin muuttuminenAbstract
The first edition of the very popular textbook Boken om Vårt Land by Zacharias Topelius (1818–1898) was published in autumn 1875. The Finnish translation was published a few months later in spring 1876, but its language was severely criticized, for which reason a new translation by a new translator was published about two years later in 1878. In 90 years, 57 Finnish versions were published. At the same time, only 20 Swedish versions were published, the last one in 1942. Swedish versions were used as a source text for the Finnish translations until the independence of Finland (1917). Later Finnish versions were based only on the earlier Finnish versions.
An important dimension of Zacharias Topelius teaching model was religiosity, and it is accentuated as citations of the Bible in Maamme kirja. A general principle about that kind of citations is that in a translation of another book where they are citations, they are not translated again but the original text is used. However, as Bible translations may change, the style and meaning of a citation may change as well. In this paper, I analyze how Bible citations in Maamme kirja changed in different translation versions.

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