Asioimis- ja oikeustulkkauksen psyykkinen hinta: sijaistraumatisoitumisen ehkäisy kuormittavissa tulkkaustilanteissa


  • Simo Määttä Helsingin yliopisto
  • Riitta Ylikomi Tampereen yliopisto
  • Eeva Puumala Tampereen yliopisto



Community interpreting, Legal interpreting, Vicarious traumatization, Empathy, Stress


This paper examines the prevention of vicarious traumatization in psychologically challenging situations that may occur in community and legal interpreting. The paper is based on a workshop organized at the XVI KäTu Symposium on Translation and Interpreting Studies at the University of Turku in April 2018. First, a brief overview of existing literature on psychological stress in community and legal interpreting is presented. Second, three cases representing psychologically difficult interpreter-mediated encounters are analysed. Third, the paper discusses the psychophysical background of traumatization and vicarious traumatization, as well as the role of empathy and agency in vicarious traumatization. To conclude, the paper lists techniques to prevent vicarious traumatization and argues that more interdisciplinary research is needed on psychological stress, compassion fatigue, and vicarious traumatization among community and legal interpreters.


