Mistä kertoo valtiosopimusten kieli?

Tapaustutkimus interferenssistä Suomen ja Venäjän välisissä valtiosopimuksissa


  • Mikhail Mikhailov Tampereen yliopisto
  • Miia Santalahti Tampereen yliopisto




corpus-based research, parallel corpora, quantitative research, frequency lists, language and power


This article deals with corpus-based research methods applied to the study of translation and introduces the Parallel Electronic corpus of State Treaties (PEST), which is currently being compiled as part of the authors research project. In this article, we analyse certain features discovered in state treaties between Finland and Russia. These analyses were conducted in order to study whether evidence can be found of one party s dominant role in the treaty preparation process in other words, whether the text of the treaties reflects the power relations between the parties. We approach the topic by analysing word frequency lists and keyword statistics and comparing the language of treaties in various periods of time. This tentative analysis suggests that a lot can, indeed, be interpreted from the language of state treaties. Information describing the typical discourse of treaties in different languages can be obtained by observing the vocabulary used in them. Moreover, based on deviations from the typical language of the genre, some conclusions can be made regarding segments that have most likely been translated in a certain direction, which would indicate domination by the corresponding party.


