Tekoäly on täällä – mitä tekee kääntäjänkoulutus?
Raportti V jaoston syysseminaarista
translator training, translation levels, translation technology, artificial intelligenceAbstract
This article reports on the autumn seminar of the Teachers’ and Researchers’ Section of the Finnish Association of Translators and Interpreters (SKTL), organized in August 2023. The program consisted of presentations and workshop discussions on generative artificial intelligence in translator training, competence descriptors for specialized translation, and literary translators’ technology use and attitudes. The seminar served as a starting point for translator trainers to discuss both the general principles and practical exercises for integrating AI use into translator training.
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Pekanheimo, Eeva 2023a. Lost in language acquisition – Tekoäly ja vieraiden kielten oppiminen. Saatavissa: https://www.humak.fi/blogit/tekoaly-ja-kieli-osa-iii-lost-in-language-acquisition-tekoaly-ja-vieraiden-kielten-oppiminen/ [viitattu 23.10.2023].
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