Peer Review Guidelines

Mikael is a scholarly journal with an anonymous peer-reviewing process. The editors will select two referees for each manuscript and will also ensure the anonymity of the manuscripts before sending them out for peer review. The referees will not be informed of the author’s identity, nor will the author learn the identities of the referees.

Some of the articles published in Mikael are based on presentations, posters or workshops held at the annual KäTu Symposium on Translation and Interpreting Studies. In case a referee should be able to deduce the author’s identity, they should consider whether they can assess the manuscript objectively (see, for example, the guidelines of the Academy of Finland).

The main assessment criteria are: 

  1. The scientific quality of the manuscript and responsible conduct of the research;
  2. A research setting relevant to Translation and Interpreting Studies.

An original peer-reviewed article in Mikael must present previously unpublished results of the authors’ empirical or theoretical research. The research setting and results are to constitute a coherent whole. The theoretical framework, previous research, material, method, results and conclusions must be documented in accordance with scholarly principles and with reference to previous research.

The specific assessment criteria are included in the referees’ evaluation and report form, which will be sent to the referees together with the manuscript to be assessed. The evaluation and report form reflects the peer reviewing guidelines of The Finnish Association for Scholarly Publishing (available in Finnish here).