Kääntäjien kouluttajat Alicen alasimessa
suomentaminen, kirjallisuuden kääntäminen, työpaja, kääntämisen opettajat, kentän ja yliopiston vuoropuheluAbstract
Twelve translation teachers from all Finnish universities offering translator training participated in a four-day literary translation workshop in Urjala in August 2023. The workshop was funded by the Finnish Cultural Foundation and organized by Alice Martin, a renowned editor of translated literature and herself also a literary translator. Following the same model as the many workshops she has previously offered to professional literary translators, the workshop mainly consisted of intensive group discussions on preprepared translation assignments. The participants also heard up-to-date lectures of literary translators’ work by the two representatives of the Literary Translators’ Branch of the Union of Journalists in Finland (KAOS), Riina Vuokko and Jaakko Kankaanpää, and the participants exchanged views on current issues in practice and research. The workshop will benefit future students as teachers bring their new knowledge into the classrooms.
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