Näkökulmien moninaisuutta?

Esimerkkinä kääntämisen tutkimus ja kääntämisen opettaminen


  • Ritva Hartama-Heinonen Helsingin yliopisto
  • Marja Kivilehto Tampereen yliopisto




kääntäminen, käännöstiede, kääntämisen opettaminen, moninaisuus


Today we can encounter an abundance of theoretical approaches to translation, learning, and teaching, and new approaches continuously appear. But if we look at Translation Studies or translator training, that is to say, at those fields of practice where this abundant variety ought to manifest itself and flourish, we contradictorily find a more restricted collection of approaches. The present article focuses on this observation, and discusses the phenomenon of diminishing diversity, drawing first, on the authors’ own observations as translation researchers and translator trainers; second, on certain tendencies within translation studies; and third, on some documented training practices. The aim is to shed critical light on factors that possibly give rise to the mentioned contradiction. These factors include, on the one hand, the researchers’ and teachers’ endeavor to be in the vanguard, and on the other, their apparent lack of time and energy, even personal hindrances or preferences, and finally, the streamlining force of the expectations of their community.


