Kaikki on vinksin vonksin
Käännösseminaari vähemmistökielen elvyttämisen tukena
vähemmistökieli, kielenelvytys, kääntäjänkoulutus, vapaaehtoiskääntäminen, voimaannuttaminenAbstract
The Kiännä! project (2015 2018, UEF/Kone Foundation) organizes translation seminars for Karelian language activists living on both sides of the Russian border. The first seminar took place during the academic year 2015-2016, and this article reports the experiences collected during it. Compared to traditional university training of translation professionals, the set-up is completely different. These differences are described, and lessons learned are discussed. The conclusions emphasise the role of empowerment in minority language revitalisation, both in terms of empowering the speakers to translate and in empowering the trainers to overcome the differences.
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