Kansainvälistä vuoropuhelua venäläisessä käännöstutkimuksessa


  • Hannu Kemppanen Itä-Suomen yliopisto, Joensuu




venäläinen käännöstutkimus, viittausanalyysi, peritekstit


This study examines the dialogue between foreign and Russian translation theorists in Russian translation studies literature. The research question is approached by analyzing, firstly, the proportion of articles by foreign authors in conference proceedings, and, secondly, the sources of references – which authors and theoretical approaches from abroad are referred to. The material consists of the proceedings of the Feodorov readings conferences held in St. Petersburg from 2000 through 2009. The results of the analysis show that Russian scholars prefer referring to domestic translation theorists. The cited foreign scholars mainly include eminent translation theorists (Gideon Toury, Theo Hermans, Mona Baker, etc.). Some citations are related to the lack of research in a particular field in Russia, e.g. gender studies. Reference literature from foreign sources more often deals with linguistics, lexicography and literary or cultural research than with translation theory. As far as the origins of the proceeding contributions are concerned, the international dialogue is represented mostly by researchers from neighboring countries – the former Soviet Republics and countries of Eastern Europe. The largest number of contributions outside this area comes from Italy and the United States.


