Näkökulmia ja menetelmiä englannista suomennettujen uusidiomien tutkimukseen
idiomit, uusisdiomit, sanasanainen kääntäminen, käännöslainatAbstract
This article concentrates on a phenomenon that seems to be on the increase in the media, the emergence of novel Finnish idioms that have been translated word for word from English. Such phrases are not found only in colloquial speech and on the Internet, but they also exist, for example, in formal newspaper writing. Although the phenomenon at first glance appears to be something that mainly concerns laymen and is of no interest to trained translators, its multifarious aspects offer previously unsought areas of study for translation studies as well. Moreover, Abu-Ssaydeh’s (2004) results indicate that word-for-word translation of idioms is a valid strategy even for professional, educated translators as well – at least in certain contexts. The main part of this article discusses the possible advantages that the study of directly translated novel idioms offers from the perspective of translation studies and makes suggestions about the methods and means with which the phenomenon could be investigated.
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