Psychological sustainability in the translation professions

Findings from two intervention studies


  • Severine Hubscher-Davidson The Open University



intervention, psychological sustainability, emotional skills, career success, professional development


Psychological sustainability is increasingly recognised as an important component of professional development, and it is known to influence worker well-being and career success. Nevertheless, there is little information available on professional translators’ psychological sustainability. The aim of this study was to explore whether a two-hour focused intervention could make a difference in this respect. Drawing on established psychological frameworks, two intervention studies with CIoL linguists and UN translation staff were delivered targeting emotional skills and making use of a workshop design and a coaching approach. Findings from the post-intervention questionnaire data (n=94) revealed that language professionals perceive this type of intervention to be relevant and useful for their job, and that emotional skills learned can influence future work behaviours. Findings from open comments suggested specific ways in which interventions can develop psychological and career sustainability. The study concludes with a discussion of its limitations and practical implications for future intervention studies with translators.


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