Increasing translation awareness

A course designed for PhD researchers


  • Helka Riionheimo University of Eastern Finland
  • Juha Lång University of Eastern Finland
  • Juho Suokas University of Eastern Finland
  • Erja Vottonen University of Eastern Finland
  • Esa Penttilä University of Eastern Finland



translation awareness, research translation, paraprofessional translation


Multilingualism is so deeply embedded in researchers’ everyday work that they may not fully acknowledge how big a role translation plays in it. In this article, we examine PhD researchers’ views on research translation through the concept of translation awareness. We demonstrate how PhD researchers as paraprofessional translators see the role of translation in their research projects and what specific translation challenges they encounter. We also examine how taking part in a course on translating research material influences their views. This article aims to continue and expand discussion on the concept of translation awareness.


Research material

preliminary assignments and 38 reflective essays produced by the participants of Translating Research Material course organized at the University of Eastern Finland in 2018–2023.

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