Call for Papers 2/2024: Preservation - renewal - change


The Middle Ages was a time of constant change in society, spiritual life, and art. On the other hand, many phenomena were based on the preservation and renewal of ancient culture. Some of them continued and took on new forms in the early modern era. In recent years, medieval studies have seen a number of changes in research methods and perspectives. For example, the recycling of objects and texts for new uses has given them new interpretations while simultaneously preserving them for researchers.

Mirator is calling for articles for a thematic issue on the theme Preservation - Renewal - Change, to be published in December 2024. Articles can be from any field of research and cover any geographical area. The thematic issue is related to the 2024 Dies Medievales conference, but articles can also be proposed by non-participants. The publication languages are English, Finnish, and Swedish.

Mirator is a non-profit, peer-reviewed scientific Open Access journal published by Glossa - Society for Medieval Studies. Open Access means that all texts published in Mirator are available (readable, downloadable, distributable, linkable) without any special fee or permission.

There is no charge for publishing or offering your article for publication. Unfortunately, no royalties are paid for published articles, and we are unable to pay for language checks.

Article manuscripts should be submitted to Mirator no later than 1 August 2024: There you will also find instructions for the author. To be published in the issue, articles must receive a peer-review opinion of "accepted as is" or "accepted with minor corrections".


For further information, please contact


Sanna Supponen, guest editor



Jenni Kuuliala, editor-in-chief
