Sosiaalinen pääoma ja poliittinen osallistuminen Suomessa
In this study we explore the impact of social capital on three forms of political participation: institutionalised and non-institutionalised political activities and electoral participation. Our primary interest lies in social trust and activity in voluntary associations as indicators of social capital. Individual- level data from the Finnish National Election Study (N = 1268) is analysed by applying binary logistic regression. The results show that the indicators of social capital do not significantly influence turnout in elections. However, while the effects of social trust are not significant, activity in associations has an effect on both institutionalised and non-institutionalised political participation.Lataukset
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Bäck, M., & Kestilä-Kekkonen, E. (2013). Sosiaalinen pääoma ja poliittinen osallistuminen Suomessa. Politiikka, 55(2), 59–72. Noudettu osoitteesta
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