Performatiivisia näkökulmia alkuperäiskansojen poliittiseen toimijuuteen ja osallistumiseen YK:n alkuperäiskansojen pysyvässä foorumissa
The article analyses the political subjectivity and agency of indigenous peoples in the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues by applying the theory of performativity and the concept of performative politics. It claims that indigenous identity and subjectivity can be seen as performatively constructed, i.e. as repetitive and compelling but also as creative and enabling novel forms of political agency. The established practices of the Permanent Forum appear very much as statecentered and they repeat the subordinate subject position of the indigenous peoples. However, indigenous peoples manage to stretch the limits of these practices by their persistent acts of resistance. The article also explores the potential to consider the cultural performances of indigenous peoples as performative politics and, thus, spontaneous political participation.Lataukset
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Valkonen, S., & Lindroth, M. (2013). Performatiivisia näkökulmia alkuperäiskansojen poliittiseen toimijuuteen ja osallistumiseen YK:n alkuperäiskansojen pysyvässä foorumissa. Politiikka, 55(4), 256–270. Noudettu osoitteesta
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