Kapitalismin kolmas henki ja managerialismi uuden hallinnan ideologiana


  • Kari Kulovaara


The so-called “new governance” has plenty of unpleasant nicknames. New public management, project society, consultocracy, coach society and shadow government, to name a few, all represent some aspects of new governance. Common to these terms is that they all implicate more or less prominently certain political, social and economic changes that have occurred in western countries since the 1970’s. In this article, new governance is surveyed through the concept of managerialism, which is understood here as the ideological dimension of new governance. Taking as a point of departure the idea of “three spirits of capitalism” as portrayed by Boltanski and Chiapello, the ar­ticle surveys the birth and development of managerialism in relation to the evolution of capitalist production and labour from the “first” and “second spirit of capitalism” to present. Special interest is given to the integration of managerialism into Finnish politics in the 1980’s and 1990’s, as well as its effects on the Finnish public sector, labour market and language. After observing the conse­quences that the implementation of managerial ideology has entailed, the article asks if the worsen­ing crisis in the labour market could yet again end one spirit of capitalism.


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Kulovaara, K. (2014). Kapitalismin kolmas henki ja managerialismi uuden hallinnan ideologiana. Politiikka, 56(2), 101–131. Noudettu osoitteesta https://journal.fi/politiikka/article/view/151811