Parlamentaarinen vastuu ulkopolitiikkaan : Suomen ulkopoliittinen johtajuus uuden perustuslain aikana
According to Section 93 of the Finnish constitution “the foreign policy of Finland is directed by the President of the Republic in co-operation with the Government.” The constitution also dictates that EUaffairs belong to the competence of the government. Analysing the dual leadership in foreign policy, this article argues that the president is clearly subordinate to the government, not least due to the fact that most foreign policy decisions are prepared under the auspices of the government. The division between EUpolicy and foreign policy is a constant source of tension, as Finnish foreign policy is increasingly linked to the EU’s common foreign and security policy. The article thus recommends that foreign policy should be further parliamentarized by making the government alone responsible for foreign policy.Nedladdningar
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Referera så här
Raunio, T. (2008). Parlamentaarinen vastuu ulkopolitiikkaan : Suomen ulkopoliittinen johtajuus uuden perustuslain aikana. Politiikka, 50(4), 250–265. Hämtad från
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