Limittyvät sukupolvet ja jaetut näkemykset: suomalaiset yhteiskunnalliset sukupolvet ja sukupolvittaiset erot poliittisessa käyttäytymisessä


  • Hanna Wass University of Helsinki
  • Pilvi Torsti


In contrast to historical perspective on generations concentrating on the external conditions, sociological
approach emphasises the role of shared experiences as a unifying factor among the members
of the generation. Using data from Historical consciousness in Finland research project (n=1 208),
we define five Finnish generations on the basis of respondents’ self-reported key experiences and
analyse generational differences in political behaviour. Our results show that while each generation
is characterised by some particular societal experience, many of the experiences are also shared
across generations. At the level of behaviour, young generations have lower propensity to vote and
are less aware of their parents’ party choice than their predecessors. At the attitudinal level, they
on the one hand tend to emphasise more the role of international organisations and social movements
for the future development. On the other hand, generations have many similar views, such
as the expectation for the growing importance of environmental protection, immigration and economical
trends. Consequently, our study suggests that generation is not particularly politised concept
in the current Finnish society.


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How to Cite

Wass, H., & Torsti, P. (2011). Limittyvät sukupolvet ja jaetut näkemykset: suomalaiset yhteiskunnalliset sukupolvet ja sukupolvittaiset erot poliittisessa käyttäytymisessä. Politiikka, 53(3). Retrieved from