Art has its freedom, but...

Art and culture in Finnish party programs from 1960 to 2019


  • Minna Maaria Sirnö Jyväskylän yliopisto


political parties, art, culture, political program, political program research


Politicians are said to be silent on art and culture. However, most parties have a need to articulate their relationship to art and culture and how to promote them. My research material consists of 1270 political programs of 48 Finnish parties from over 60 years. From 1960 to 2019, there are a total of 579 art entries relating to art and culture in party programs on the party register. The purpose of my article is to find, identify, and name, through qualitative and quantitative content analysis, the trends, goals, and motives that unite different parties in art and culture entries in political program texts as they appear at different times in their respective programs.


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How to Cite

Sirnö, M. M. (2020). Art has its freedom, but. : Art and culture in Finnish party programs from 1960 to 2019. Politiikka, 62(4), 324–353.