Directions for writers

Instructions to authors:

The manuscript should be entered in its basic form (.docx) without special formatting, and sent through the electornic online publishing system (OJS). Follow the instructions for submissions.

The manuscript should be accompanied by a separate file containing the author(s) name(s), contact details (address, phone number, email), their applicable degree and affiliation (if retired or unsure, consult the editors).

A1 article manuscripts should begin with a Finnish and English abstract (max. 200 words each) and 3-5 keywords describing the article's substance in both Finnish and English. B1 articles don't have to contain English abstracts or keywords, whereas book reviews don't need an abstract or keywords at all. The English abstract should also be supplemented by the translated title of the article. 

The editors will request peer reviews on all A1 scientific manuscripts judged to have sufficient technical and scientific merit under the journal's publishing guidelines. The independent reviewer comments will inform the decision to publish; reviewer comments must always be carefully considered by authors. Authors are encouraged to submit a summary of the changes they have made based on the reviewers' comments upon returning a revised manuscript into the online publishing system.

Politiikka will also publish shorter research articles that can be derived from research outlines or reports, debates or lectures under publishing category B1. B1 articles in addition to book reviews are not peer-reviewed. Instead, the editors will review the submitted manuscripts and make the decision whether or not to publish. However, the manuscripts may receive editorial comments following technical and scientific publishing guidelines, that should be considered seriously by authors. 

Starting from January 2019, all submitted A1 articles should have a maximum length of 8000 words. B1 article maximum length is 4000 words, and 1500 words for book reviews. References and bibliography are also included within the maximum length. The manuscript should follow a row spacing of 1.5 throughout, and the recommended font is Times New Roman, size 12. New pargraps should be separated by an empty row of text. Placeholders for graphs or tables have to be inserted in the appropriate locations. Graphs and tables should be uploaded into the online publishing system in a separate file. Please use high resolution images if applicable.

References to bibliography are marked in the text in parenthesis by 1) author's last name, 2) year of publication, and 3 page: (Nousiainen 1991, 37–39). If there are several sources in one reference, these are ordered alphabetically and separated with a semi-colon: (Elomäki ja Ylöstalo 2017, 90; Mattila 2016, 112). In case of more than two authors for a single referred text, add the first name and then "et al.": (Heiskanen et al. 2015, 123). Give full references in the bibliography. When referring to a source already quoted, the later references should be marked (ibid.), but changing page numbers do have to be used: (ibid., 140–142).  

Anonymisation. Politiikka peer-review processes uphold double-blind mutual anonymity (for A1 articles). As such, the manuscript should be anonymized to the extent that the author cannot be readily deduced from file metadata or direct references to the author or their specific works. For example, if the author's own work is vital for the manuscript, this can be entered as ("reference omitted") into the manuscript. If the manuscript is to be published, these references can be restored when the manuscript is technically processed at a later stage. 

The bibliography is added to the end of the manuscript with the appropriate header. The bibliography is in alphabetical order based on the last names of the first authors. In single author cases, the order is: 1) author's last and first name (in full), 2) year of publication, 3) title, with only the first word capitalized, 4) location and name of publisher (see examples below). Publication series, including journal articles also need the name of series or publication, issue and page numbers. 

If there are several works in the bibliography by the same author published in the same year, alphabetized marking is used to distinguish between the works (also in references): (Fairclough 2015a, 2015b). Do not use specialized reference settings with the bibliography, but a simple list with empty rows separating individual works. Follow the examples outlined below:

Borg, Olavi. 1988. Politologia muuttuvassa yhteiskunnassa. Politiikka 30:1, 28–33.

Ham, Peter van. 1998. The Baltic states and Europe: the quest for security. In Birthe Hansen ja Bertel Heurlin (eds.), The Baltic states in world politics. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 24–45.

Nurmi, Hannu. 1987. Comparing voting systems. Dordrecht: Reidel.

Pesonen, Pertti, Sänkiaho, Risto ja Borg Sami. 1993. Vaalikansan äänivalta. Tutkimus eduskuntavaaleista ja valitsijakunnasta Suomen poliittisessa järjestelmässä. Helsinki: WSOY.

Web-based sources should contain information on 1) the author, 2) year of publication, 3) document/page title, 4) the web address, and 5) the date of reference (acquired 5.3.2015). If the author name is unavailable, the reference should include the 1) relevant organization (e.g. Valtioneuvoston kanslia 2015), 2) year of publication, 3) document/page title, 4) the web address, and 5) the date of reference. If both the author and relevant organization information is unavailable, the reference should include 1) document/page title, 2) year of publication, 3) the web address, and 4) the date of reference.

DOI-identifier. Politiikka uses DOI-identifiers for both published articles (i.e. articles are automatically given a DOI identifier upon publication). DOI-identifiers are also added to bibliography. Authors are responsible for adding the DOI-identifier (hyperlink) to all academic articles in their bibliography when applicable, before submission. Please use the full link:<identifier>, e.g.:
Juntunen, Tapio ja Hyvönen Ari-Elmeri. Resilience, security and the politics of processes. Resilience: International Policies, Practices and Discourses 2:3, 195–209.

Endnotes. Politiikka uses endnotes, but these are added manually without utilizing the automatic function. The endnote marker in text should be marked in upper case, and the endnotes themselves added into the manuscript before the bibliography under the header NOTES.

Figures, graphs and tables are included in a separate, also anonymized file. The headers are placed under the figure/graph, but above a table. Explanatory notes are included underneath each element. Graphs and tables are separately numbered in order. Remember to include placeholders in the text. 

Corrections and rejections. The editors have the right to reject manuscripts that don't follow the stated guidelines. Authors are, however, usually granted the opportunity to make corrections in various stages. Politiikka is not responsible for storing or sending information beyond the editorial process. Consult the editors for more information.

Instructions on special issues and the editorial process are available from the editors upon request.

Politiikka is committed to the guidelines for the responsible conduct of research as stipulated by the Finnish National Board on Research Integrity in all publication activities. Politiikka is also committed to the high standard of peer-review established by the Federation of Finnish Learned Societies.